Jack Mkhitaryan

Jack Mkhitarian graduated from the University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management and studied law at the University of New Mexico School of Law. Mr. Mkhitarian is licensed in New Mexico and established a practice in Albuquerque in 2009. He practices exclusively in the area of criminal defense. Mr. Mkhitarian is a member of the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico. Mr. Mkhitarian is an active member of the United States District Court’s Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Panel of Attorneys.
Jack Mkhitarian has extensive experience in the New Mexico State Courts and has handled over 1000 cases in New Mexico District Courts, Metropolitan Court, and Magistrate and Municipal Court. Mr. Mkhitarian practices State-wide and has appeared in nearly every courthouse in New Mexico.
available from 10:00 – 19:00
Address 9818 East Burnside
Street Portland, Oregon 97216
Fax 971-223-3234